Living Spirit Wisdom

Session Options


The focus of these sessions is on Personal Health, Wellbeing and Empowerment. This includes uniquely customized teachings that allow for greater understanding of your Physical, Mental and Emotional Health. It’s amazing how all three can be woven together to influence life, healing and personal freedom.
Wisdom teachings may focus on Physical Health or mental-emotional topics related to Mending the Heart and Soul.
Physical Health – We all have issues that influence our physical health, from past traumas to present difficulties. In this Journey, one receives guidance and assistance on removing obstacles that interfere with optimum physical health.
Mending the Heart – The experience of loss through rejection, disappointment, or death of a loved one carries a range of important emotional elements that need healing. This Journey helps heal the memories and the heart and reinvigorates your spirit.


The focus here is on living in harmony with your inner being and spirit. Oftentimes, the modern culture with its demands, stresses, and obligations can cause us to be out of sync with our true nature. Authentic Living often requires a healing of boundaries and restoration of personal power.  
Whether the loss is severe or minor, most of us have experienced a muddying of our authentic selves and a thinning of our personal boundaries that protect our natural way of being. Sometimes this is in return for acceptance, and sometimes (especially when young) even emotional survival.
Personal Strength – Personal strength is the important ability to be authentic in the face of pressures, parental expectations, and cultural programming.


This type of session makes way for an invitation for deep connection and bonding with Spirit. It is usually done after we’ve spent time in focused spiritual preparation. Preparation usually includes acknowledgement of personal need, relinquishment of any ego, and a heartful invitation to embrace the Sacred.

If you’re facing a dilemma or feeling unclear about important life decisions, through the support of Living Spirit, the Spirit Helpers guide you into a stronger awareness of how to best proceed along your life’s path. They already understand you, and they know what you need to confidently move forward. This is an in-depth clarification of your specific life issues, along with perspective on how to best proceed with your process.

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